Culture Assessment
Terms & Conditions

Assessment Terms and Conditions
Your response to the Assessment is voluntary and confidential. The Assessment Originator, The Culture Tank (TCTT), is solely responsible for its contents.
The strata at which the data will be aggregated, and the parties to which this aggregated data will be made available are as follows:
Assessment Level Data and Organizational Level Data will be made available to the Specific Organization which took the Assessment and to the Assessment Provider who initiates the Assessment. Assessment Providers agree never to share any Organization's data with any other entity without that Organization's consent.
Overall Aggregated Data, which is based on the total accumulated data of the Culture Assessment, will be made available to other Respondent Organizations for the purposes of benchmarking and comparison, as well as to Assessment Providers for the same purposes.
Ownership of the accumulated data will remain the property of the Assessment Originator and shall only be used for the purposes of benchmarking and comparison
Responses provided by individuals will be kept confidential and identifying information associated with an individual, such as name, phone, and/or email, shall not be requested, captured, or retained
Individual responses shall not be sold or exchanged.
The Technology Provider, The Culture Tank, which acts as the Curator of all Culture Assessment Data and owns the license for the technology platform, agrees not to disclose any identifying data to any other parties and will protect the privacy of Organizations and Assessment Respondents except where described above. Only the Technology Partner will have any digital record in any way linking individual responses to a submission, or the digital address (IP Address) from whence they originated, and under no circumstances will this data be made available to any other parties, nor will it be used by the Technology Partner for any reason other than to aggregate the data at the various strata as described above.
You will be asked in the Assessment to identify your job level within your organization (Non-Manager/Manager/Executive). If you do not wish to volunteer this information, please do not respond to the Assessment. Your response to this demographic information is intended to provide insights to your Organization’s data against the aggregate of all data, and is not intended to single out your individual responses to anyone inside your Organization or with any of the entities who may have access to aggregated data as described above. This piece of data provides value to your Organization and any facilitating Assessment Provider when examining your results.
You will be given opportunities to submit free-form (open-entry) responses to this Assessment. Please provide relevant and responsible responses; refrain from disparaging, offensive, harassing or otherwise inappropriate language, and refrain from including any sensitive information of any kind (e.g. credit card or bank account information), and any confidential or proprietary information belonging to your Organization or any other party.
Please Note
While no responses to any individual portion (question or form) of this Assessment will be linked to any other response (e.g. your response to the job level question cannot be linked to any other response, including the open entry fields), when the data is provided to your Organization or its Assessment Provider, each open entry responses (including 'Pick Your Own' write-in responses and open entry free-form responses) will be provided in its own alpha-numeric sorted list to your Organization and its Assessment Provider independent of any other data.
By taking this Assessment, you accept responsibility that any information entered in free-form response fields will be seen by the aforementioned entities and should therefore take caution not to disclose your identity to these parties unless that is your intent in providing said response.
You should not include in your Assessment response any sensitive information of any kind (e.g. bank account information), and any confidential or proprietary information belonging to you or another party, as neither the Assessment Originator nor the Technology Partner can guarantee that access to such data will be kept confidential and secure. You therefore agree that any information or materials that you, or individuals acting on your behalf, provide when responding to the Assessment will not be considered confidential or proprietary and both the Assessment Originator and the Technology Partner cannot and will not be held responsible to protect such data if you were to include it in your responses.
This Assessment is provided on an 'as is' and 'as available' basis. Neither the Assessment Originator nor the Technology Partner warrant that the Assessment or E-Mails sent from the Assessment are free of viruses or other harmful components. Neither CTT nor any of its coaches or partners will be liable for any damages of any kind arising from this Assessment, including but not limited to direct, indirect, incidental, punitive, and consequential damages.
The Assessment Originators and your Organization's Assessment Provider reserve the right to terminate or withdraw an Assessment, and your opportunity to participate in an Assessment, at any time for any reason, but agree to refund any up-front payments made for the Culture Assessment in such cases.
Customer Service
If you have any questions regarding this Terms & Conditions Purchase Policy, contact us via email at community{at}theculturethinktank{dot}com, with “TCTT Culture Assessment Purchase Policy Question” in the subject line.
This Terms & Conditions Policy was last updated January 01, 2025 with non-material clarification edits.